Submeter Accessories
(Results: 24 Found; Refine your results by making selections from the menu)
- A8332 - Flex I/O Module, Analog/Digital to Modbus Converter, 8 User Selectable Inputs, 2 Relay OutputsFlex I/O Module, 8 User Selectable Inputs, 2 Relay Outputs
- A8812 - Energy Monitoring Hub - Non-ConfiguredEnergy Monitoring Hub - Non-Configured
- A8812-1 - Energy Monitoring Hub - ConfiguredEnergy Monitoring Hub - Configured
- A8911 - High Density Pulse Module for Modbus system, 23 InputsHigh Density Pulse Module, 23 Inputs
- LBSSW-1L - BILLSUITE 1-50 METERPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 1 1-50 Meters Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-2L - BILLSUITE 51-100 METERSPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 2 51-100 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-3L - BILLSUITE 101-200 METERPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 3, 101-200 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-4L - BILLSUITE 201-300 METERPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 4, 201-300 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-5L - BILLSUITE 301-400 METERPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 5, 301-400 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-6L - BILLSUITE 410-550 METERPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 6, 401-550 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-7L - BILLSUITE 551-750 METERPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 7, 551-750 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LBSSW-8L - BILLSUITE 751-1000 MTRPC-Based Billsuite Software License Tier 8, 751-1000 Meter Installation, Activation and Training
- LEMS8-812 - Leviton Energy Manager Base PackLeviton Energy Manager Base Pack - EMH (modbus/485, Ethernet 8 Flex Inputs
- LEMSB - Leviton Energy Manager Base License SoftwarePackage Consists of Base License Software with 8 Control Points/ 1-Year Subscription and One (1) User Account
- LEMSB-R00 - Software Base RenewalSoftware Base Renewal - is a Subscription Renewal of Base License. One (1) User Accounts. 12 Month License Software Subscription